Belly Fat Reduction Treatment Croxton

targeted belly fat loss – tone your stomach – remove the muffin top and build your abs! 

belly fat

say goodbye to stubborn belly fat NOW!

Our Treatments are non-invasive techniques for localised fat reduction and body contouring.

The results of our treatments are without risks and complications, you can go back to your day to day life straight away!

No recovery time!

Hundreds of customers can testify our service and treatments are second to none and this is why customers come back to us time and time again.

lose belly fat, tone sagging skin & build muscle

Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing

Lipo Sculpt Croxton have an amazing fat freezing Croxton system for removing stomach fat.

Many people are aware that their physical appearance is the first thing that is judged by others in outlining their personality.

Hence, this is the major reason why they take care of their outer appearance and they are very careful about maintaining it.

Your physical appearance can also affect your confidence and the way you carry yourself in public.

Fat can change the way your body looks and change the way you look at your body. 

Maintaining your physical appearance is not as easy as many believe and slimming back down can be a difficult and lengthy process. 

Lipo Sculpt Croxton have the easiest and appropriate solution for the accumulated extra fat in your body.

Belly fat is one of the main reasons why people choose to go to the gym or start exercising. It is often caused by a lack of exercise and poor diet. If you do have belly fat then your health and wellbeing need improvement and you run the risk of other, more serious medical conditions in the future.

Belly fat can be reduced through some exercise of a specific kind and there are other diet tips on the internet for that purpose. You will also decrease the risk of diabetes and some heart diseases when you reduce that belly fat. 

Contact Lipo Sculpt Croxton today to see how we can help!

Fat freezing {name} can reduce the extra fat in various parts of the body. It’s based on the scientific knowledge that the fat cells in your body get damaged when they are exposed to low temperatures.

The results obtained through this technique are very quick and effortless. Burning fat and freezing fat are two different terms.

To burn fat one must exercise regularly and maintain a controlled, well-balanced diet whereas freezing fat keeps the target area exposed to low temperatures that damage and eventually kill the fat cells. When you compare freezing and burning fat, freezing fat Croxton boasts the quickest results. 

Lipo Sculpt Croxton are leaders in this field contact us today to find out more!

Lipo Sculpt Croxton provides you with a non-surgical, efficient technique of removing fat from your body.

The belly fat can be reduced very quickly when it is exposed to low temperatures. You can avoid surgeries for such purpose.

Having belly fat can be a problem for both men and women and this technique is equally effective for all genders. Lipo Sculpt Croxton have seen many problems of fat accumulation in various parts of the body of men and women.


Tonesculpt Body Sculpting

Tonesculpt is a revolutionary non-invasive procedure that uses electromagnetic energy to stimulate muscle contractions in the targeted area, such as the stomach.

These powerful contractions mimic the effects of intense exercise, causing the muscles to adapt and become stronger.

As a result, Tonesculpt can help tone and strengthen abdominal muscles, giving you a more sculpted and defined stomach. This is especially beneficial for those who struggle with stubborn belly fat and have difficulty achieving a toned midsection through traditional methods like diet and exercise.

In addition to toning the stomach muscles, tonesculpt also helps reduce fat in the targeted area.

The intense muscle contractions produced by the treatment cause a breakdown of fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body.

One of the key advantages of emsculpt is that it not only reduces fat but also builds muscle simultaneously.

This combination can lead to significant improvements in body composition and overall appearance.

Another benefit of emsculpt is that it is a completely non-invasive procedure with no downtime or side effects.

Unlike other fat reduction methods like liposuction, there are no incisions or anesthesia involved in emsculpt.

This makes it a safe and convenient option for those looking to improve their abdominal area without undergoing surgery.

Tonesculpt is an effective solution for toning the stomach, reducing fat, and building muscle.

With its non-invasive nature and ability to provide noticeable results, it has become a popular choice among individuals looking to achieve their desired physique without undergoing strenuous workouts or invasive procedures.

Aqualyx Fat Dissolving injections

Aqualyx fat dissolving injections are a non-invasive and effective treatment for reducing belly fat.

This treatment involves injecting a solution called Aqualyx directly into the targeted areas of the belly, using a fine needle.

The Aqualyx solution contains a combination of natural substances that work to break down the fat cells in the body, allowing them to be naturally flushed out by the body's lymphatic system.

This results in a reduction of fat in the treated area, leading to a slimmer and more toned appearance.

This results in a reduction of fat in the treated area, leading to a slimmer and more toned appearance.

One of the main advantages of using Aqualyx injections for belly fat reduction is that it is a quick and relatively painless procedure.

The process usually takes around 30 minutes and most patients report only mild discomfort during the injections. There is also no downtime required after the treatment, meaning you can resume your daily activities immediately.

After receiving Aqualyx injections, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly in order to maintain your results.

While Aqualyx effectively removes excess fat cells from the body, it does not prevent new ones from forming.

Therefore, incorporating healthy lifestyle habits will help you achieve long-lasting results.

It is recommended to undergo 2-4 sessions of Aqualyx injections for optimal belly fat reduction results.

These sessions should be spaced out at least 4 weeks apart to allow enough time for your body to naturally eliminate the dissolved fat cells.

If you are looking for an effective and minimally invasive way to reduce belly fat, then consider trying Aqualyx injections.

Consult with a qualified medical professional to determine if this treatment is suitable for you and create a personalized treatment plan based on your individual needs and goals.

HIFU Belly fat reduction

HIFU, or High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound, works by delivering focused ultrasound energy to the targeted area of the stomach.

This energy penetrates deep into the skin and heats up the fat cells, causing them to break down and be eliminated through the body's natural metabolic processes.

In addition to targeting fat cells, HIFU also stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that gives skin its elasticity.

As we age, our natural collagen production decreases, leading to sagging skin on the stomach.

By increasing collagen production with HIFU treatment, the skin becomes tighter and more toned.

The focused ultrasound energy used in HIFU treatment is highly precise and can target specific areas of fat on the stomach without harming surrounding tissue.

This makes it a safe and effective option for reducing stubborn pockets of fat while also improving overall skin tone.

One of the main benefits of HIFU for reducing fat and toning sagging skin on the stomach is that it is a non-invasive procedure.

Unlike traditional liposuction or surgical procedures, HIFU does not require any incisions or downtime for recovery.

HIFU treatments typically take between 30 minutes to an hour per session and may require multiple sessions depending on individual goals and desired results.

Many people see noticeable improvements in their stomach area after just one session, with continued improvement over time as new collagen is produced.

Overall, HIFU offers a non-invasive and effective way to reduce fat and tighten sagging skin on the stomach without surgery or downtime. It is important to consult with a trained professional before undergoing any cosmetic treatment to determine if HIFU is right for you.